Wales National Pool Swansea believes learning to swim and keeping fit is important for all ages and this is reflected in our comprehensive Aqua School Programme.

We offer a range of swimming lessons and aquatic sessions that cater for people of all ages and abilities.

Our Aqua School staff are highly qualified, experienced teachers and instructors who follow the Swim Wales “Learn to Swim Wales” (LTSW) framework and the Royal Lifesaving Society’s (RLSS) Qualification Scheme.

Aqua School Terms and Conditions

Aqua School Terms and Conditions

Acceptance of Terms and Conditions

  • By booking, or by attendance at a swimming lesson with us, you accept these terms and conditions, and they will form a contract between us.
  • You will ensure that any children that you bring to the swimming pool will follow the rules set out in these terms and conditions.
  • Should a customer fail to adhere to these terms and conditions, the customer may be requested to cease lessons with Wales National Pool Swansea Ltd.
  • We reserve the right to make changes to these terms and conditions at any time. You will be notified of changes by email.


  • In the first instance, lessons are booked over the phone or in person and payment taken at the time of booking.


  • All lessons are payable in advance either in blocks or by direct debit. The fee for your lesson(s) will be confirmed at the point of booking.

Upfront Payment

  • Group lessons are payable in blocks of 12. You will receive an email notification via GoLearn at 3, 2, and 1 weeks prior to the end of the 12 weeks. Failure to pay for the next block will result in you/your child being removed from the class immediately after the last lesson.
  • Private lessons are payable in blocks of 6. You will receive and email notification via GoLearn at 3, 2, and 1 weeks prior to the end of the 12 weeks. Failure to pay for the next block will result in you/your child being removed from the class immediately after the last lesson.

Direct Debit

  • Direct debit payments are available for group and private lessons. The monthly direct debit is based on the number of lessons over the year divided by 12, including days where lessons cannot take place because of programme breaks and events. Therefore, refunds do not need to be given.
  • Direct debits are payable monthly in advance and are taken on the 1st of the month (or the first working day thereafter).
  • An initial payment is required when paying by direct debit to include the lessons up until the first direct debit can be taken (where lessons are booked on or after the 15th of the month this will include a pro rata amount for the current month and the whole of the following month).
  • You may cancel the agreement early within the initial 14 day cooling off period directly after the purchase.
  • If you wish to cancel your direct debit after the 14-day cooling off period, you can do so with 30 days written notice by the 10th of each month.
  • Bubbles, Splash and Waves 1 – 5 lessons are 30 minutes and Waves 6, 7 and 8 are 40 minutes. All adult lessons are 30 or 40 minutes. Where a child or adult is moving from a 30-minute lesson to a 40-minute lesson, there will be an increase in the monthly direct debit and block lesson price.

Pool Closures and Cancellations

  • In the event of a pool closure or lesson cancellation, you will be contacted via email as soon as possible. Please ensure your contact details are up to date.
  • Lessons will be cancelled when WNPS is hosting major events. WNPS will give adequate notice of these events. Details of upcoming events can be found on the banner on Home Portal.
  • The General Manager reserves the right to change the programme at short notice. Any changes will be made with the minimum disruption and credits/refunds will be offered where a cancellation is made by WNPS (other than those due to events or programme breaks as this is factored into the lesson pricing).

Cancelling/Freezing Your Lessons

  • Should you wish to cancel your swimming lessons we require 4 weeks’ notice of cancellation. All swimming lesson cancellations should be made by email to
  • Unfortunately, we are unable to freeze your lessons or hold a space if you cannot attend for a period of time.
  • Refunds will only be given where 4 weeks’ notice is given, unless a child is moving up a Wave and is unable to attend on the days and times available. In which case, the child will be added to the appropriate waiting list and a refund can be authorised.
  • Alternatively, you can leave a lesson where 4 weeks’ notice is given with credit on your account to be used for a future booking.

Illness and Medical Conditions

  • If you/your child is feeling unwell, we recommend that you do not attend swimming lessons.
  • Lesson attendees with a contagious illness should not attend swimming for a period of 48 hours after the symptoms have passed. This is particularly important if you have suffered from vomiting and/or diarrhoea.  
  • Should you/your child appear to be ill during a lesson, we reserve the right to cancel their lesson.
  • Wales National Pool Swansea are unable to offer refunds for lessons missed due to illness or any other reason.
  • You must inform us of any medical conditions at the time of booking. Any new conditions that may affect your child when swimming should be made known to Wales National Pool Swansea as soon as possible.

Teaching Policies, Procedures and Parental Responsibilities

  • All Wales National Pool Swansea lessons are taught by teachers with suitable qualifications.
  • All teachers have undergone an enhanced DBS check and safeguarding training.
  • If a teacher is unable to attend a lesson, we will endeavour to find a cover teacher.
  • If a teacher is unable to teach at extremely short notice, we reserve the right to combine classes if appropriate and safe in order to avoid swimmers missing a lesson. Classes will not be combined if this results in the class size being exceeded as per Swim Wales’ Learn to Swim Wales, guidelines.
  • While we try to provide a consistent teacher for each class, we cannot always guarantee that you/your child will have the same swimming teacher each week.
  • Swimming teachers are only responsible for pupils during their swimming lesson and parents/guardians/carers are responsible at all other times. The swimming lesson begins when the swimming teacher accepts charge of pupils and ends when the lesson time finishes.
  • Parents/guardians/carers should endeavour to ensure their child is on time for their lesson as teachers will be covering competencies (including water safety) from the start of the lesson.
  • Parents/guardians/carers must remain on the site while the pupil is in their lesson. This is imperative in case of the unlikely event of a medical emergency, building evacuation or other emergency.
  • Parents/guardians/carers must not distract a swimming teacher during lesson time. Should you wish to have a discussion with the teacher, this can be done during breaks between lessons or by emailing Progress can always be monitored on the home portal.

General Pool Rules and Dress Code

  • Filming or photography is strictly prohibited. Signage is in place throughout the facility.
  • It is advised that swimmers must shower, use the toilet, and blow their nose before the lesson begins.
  • Shoes must not be worn on poolside by swimmers or parents/guardians/carers.
  • Blue pool overshoes are available at the pool entrance to be used if shoes are soiled or if walking in showering areas.
  • Appropriate clothing must be worn at all times. Footwear must be worn outside of the pool hall and changing village.
  • Clothing worn in the pools must be designed for use in a swimming pool, or be reserved exclusively for use in a swimming pool and be fit for purpose, be of suitable material, not offend decency, and be hygienic, safe and unlikely to put either the user or others at risk.
  • Swimmers must either tie back long hair or wear a suitable swimming cap.
  • Under no circumstance should anyone run on poolside.
  • Children may wear swimming goggles; however, teachers may sometimes request goggles to be removed during certain activities.
  • Swimmers and parents/guardians/carers should not enter poolside until 5 minutes before the start of their lesson time.
  • Swimmers should not enter the water until invited to do so by their swimming teacher.
  • Swimmers must leave the pool as soon as the teacher has ended the lesson.
  • Group Changing Rooms 1 & 2 are designated as family group change during aqua school lessons. Children over 8 years old should not access changing rooms of the opposite gender, individual changing cubicles can be used.
  • Safety of our swimmers is paramount. Anyone unknown to Wales National Pool Swansea who cannot reasonably identify themselves and is giving cause for concern in relation to safety will be asked to leave the premises.
  • All bookings are non-transferable. Only the person’s name on the register may attend the class. This applies to both group and private lessons.
  • Wales National Pool Swansea reserves the right to refuse someone access to the swimming pool or ask them to leave a lesson/pool hall if they feel they present a safety risk to themselves or others.

Pupil Progression and Badges

  • All swimmers are taught and assessed in line with the Swim Wales’ Learn to Swim Wales Lesson and Award System.
  • Swimming teachers will continually assess pupil progress.
  • Progress will be recorded on tablets poolside and parents/guardians/carers will be able to access this information via the home portal (this will be updated on the portal at the end of each day’s lesson programme).
  • Progression of swimmers will be at the discretion of the teacher.
  • A teacher will advise the parent/guardian/carer via the parent portal when a child is ready to move up and parents/guardians/carers will be able to manage the move to the next Wave via the home portal.
  • Due the continuous progressive nature of our lessons, a space may not be immediately available when your child is ready to move up.

Missed Lessons

  • Wales National Pool Swansea would appreciate it if you could notify us if your child is going to be absent.
  • We are unable to offer a refund for a lesson that is missed for any reason.
  • We are unable to offer replacement lessons as this could result in our maximum class sizes being exceeded.

Car Park

  • Drivers must adhere to the speed limit of 15mph in the WNPS car park.
  • Vehicles must be parked in designated parking spaces of WNPS.
  • The parking fees are 50p for up to 2 hours and then £1.00 for 2 – 4 hours.
  • Parking/waiting is not permitted in the Emergency Vehicles Bays, the rear service yard, pavements, verges or on double yellow lines.


Any grievances should be raised with a Duty Manager soon as possible or emailed to

WNPS Events Affecting Aqua School Lessons – Upcoming Cancellations

We are proud as the National Pool for Wales to host a number of events every year. However, this does mean that our aqua school programme is affected due to necessary lesson cancellations. Please see the event list below to August 2025. Any queries, please contact the reception team on or 01792 513513. This list is also available via Home Portal (banner). Our swimming lessons run through all school half terms.

Thursday 24th April Swim Wales Nationals

Friday 25th April Swim Wales Nationals

Saturday 26th April Swim Wales Nationals

Sunday 27th April Swim Wales Nationals

Saturday 3rd May Swansea Aquatics May LC Meet

Sunday 4th May Swansea Aquatics May LC Meet

Sunday 1st June Swansea University Sprint Meet

Thursday 10th July Commonwealth Lifesaving Champs (RLSS)

Friday 11th July Commonwealth Lifesaving Champs (RLSS)

Saturday 12th July Commonwealth Lifesaving Champs (RLSS)

Sunday 13th July Commonwealth Lifesaving Champs (RLSS)

Sunday 20th July Swim Wales National Development Meet

Monday 28th July PROGRAMME BREAK

Tuesday 29th July PROGRAMME BREAK

Wednesday 30th July PROGRAMME BREAK/Swim Wales Summer Nationals

Thursday 31st July PROGRAMME BREAK/Swim Wales Summer Nationals

Friday 1st August PROGRAMME BREAK/Swim Wales Summer Nationals

Saturday 2nd August PROGRAMME BREAK/Swim Wales Summer Nationals

Sunday 3rd August PROGRAMME BREAK/Swim Wales Summer Nationals

Monday 4th August PROGRAMME BREAK

Tuesday 5th August PROGRAMME BREAK

Wednesday 6th August PROGRAMME BREAK

Thursday 7th August PROGRAMME BREAK

Friday 8th August PROGRAMME BREAK

Saturday 9th August PROGRAMME BREAK

Sunday 10th August PROGRAMME BREAK

GoLearn – HomePortal

Once a customer has been signed up to classes, they will receive an email with a link to follow to set up their account with GoLearn.

Activating HomePortal will give you access to your child’s class information, progression, and inform you when they are ready to move up!

Members are encouraged to save HomePortal to their home screen, bookmarks, or browser tabs as it is easier to access, however, the link below will take you straight to the login screen.

Swim Wales Frequently Asked Questions and Stroke Standards
Private Lessons

We offer 30 minute private lessons for children aged 5 and over or adults. This provides 1:1 tuition with a learner’s own designated pool space. The lesson takes place on the same day/time each week and is for a 6-week block. Lessons are tailor made to suit your individual needs and goals.

Intensive Swimming Lessons for Children & Adults – APRIL INTENSIVES ON SALE NOW!

When programming allows, we offer intensive lessons during half term or over the summer programme break. You/Your child will attend the same lesson every day at the same time for 3-5 days (depending on Bank Holidays/WNPS Events etc.).

If you/your child is already in weekly lessons this is a great way to finish off some competencies and potentially move up! Alternatively, if you’re a new customer it’s a great way to experience our swim programme without having to commit to a 6-12 week block of lessons.

Keep an eye on our social media for when we advertise our next set of intensive lessons!

Children and Youth Lessons

We offer a comprehensive range of swimming classes that cater for children of all ages and abilities. 

Not sure what class to book? Have a read of the class descriptions which show age ranges, skills and abilities. Once you identify a skill your child cannot do, that is the class to book! Don’t worry if you don’t get it right, your child’s teacher will let you know if a class change is necessary.

Please contact Reception on 01792 513513 to discuss our current lesson availability.

Early Years – 3 Months to 4 Years

Bubbles – 3 months to 3 yearsSplash – from 3 years
There are 4 levels of progression in Bubbles, with aquatic skills progressively developing throughout each level.
Responsible adults are taught how to support and aid the child through games, songs and themed fun activities. A certificate is available for successfully completing each level.

The ratio for this is lesson is 1 adult to 1 child.
The Splash framework encourages a young child’s increasingly independent and guided discovery of the aquatic environment to develop water confidence, specifically aimed at children aged 3+.

There are 6 levels of progression in Splash, with aquatic skills progressively developing throughout each level, with
the child being increasingly independent in the water.

There is an in water instructor so an in water responsible adult is not required for Splash classes.

Children over 3 years old with no swimming experience should book onto Splash 1-3.
Benefits of Taking your Little One Swimming

The introduction of babies and young children to the aquatic environment should be safe, positive, fun and progressive to promote a lifelong love of the water. Here are some basic steps that could be accomplished before going to the pool, which can help make swimming with little ones a fantastic and fun experience.

Getting yourself and your little one more comfortable in and around water will make for a more relaxing and enjoyable experience. Safety in and around the water is paramount and playing games to encourage following instructions will help when you get to the pool. This can include prompts to move or jump and climbing onto a higher surface to practice getting in and out of the pool.

Splashing and discovering the water can help the child become comfortable and content when they get to the pool. This can be achieved in any area that can contains water including a water table, sink, bowl, bath or shower. The child can start discovering the water by splashing with their hands, finding and grasping toys, trickling water over arms and up and over the head.

Trying out the shower at home will help your little one become familiar with the experience of having a shower at the pool. This experience can begin with water being trickled over a baby’s head in the sink to practice washing them, progressing to washing you both in the shower at home where you are comfortable.

Getting used to water in the mouth, over the face and head is a key progression for developing confidence in the water. This can be practiced away from the pool in the bath, water table or even just a washing up bowl! Blowing bubbles and humming tunes in the water can be great fun for little ones and playtime can begin with blowing toys on the surface and increase in difficulty by lowering the head a little further each time until the head can be fully submerged.

Singing songs at home can be a perfect way to transition a fun experience on land to the pool. Most traditional songs and rhymes can be used in the swimming pool with adapted actions and movements. Songs and rhymes will likely be familiar and help both the child and adult relax in the water.

Remember, you are not expected to be teaching Olympic standard skills and it really doesn’t matter if you are not the greatest swimmer yourself. The priority is exploring and experiencing the water, developing confidence and having fun together!

Top Tips for Early Years Swimming
  • Go on a reccie!

If you have not been to the pool recently, it is a good idea to go for a visit before your first trip, especially with a very young baby. Don’t be afraid to ask the staff any questions, they are there to help and make your visit as positive as possible.

Make a note of where the family changing rooms are, where the baby changing room is, where the lockers are (£1 coin return), where showers/toilets are etc. This will help the first swimming trip go much more smoothly.

  • Go prepared!

To make pre-swim changing easier, consider putting your swimming costume on at home before you go to the swimming pool and arrive ‘beach ready’, but do not forget to take underwear!

Take 2 towels for your little one – one to wrap them in on the way in and out of the pool and one to use to dry them!

Swim day is not the day for fiddly clothes or tights! Choose quick and easy dressing clothing for the both of you; zips rather than buttons or poppers which can be fiddly when you are trying to change quickly and get warm!

  • Take their favourite bath toy

Little ones will take to the pool a lot more quickly if there’s something familiar there. So think about taking their favourite bath toy, rubber duck, ball or boat!

  • How long?

If going swimming with a young baby, be led by them for how long you stay in the pool. Be aware of the water temperature – you might only be in for 15 minutes, but this time will gradually increase as they grow. Focus on quality not quantity, you want going swimming to be an enjoyable experience!

Depending on the water temperature of the pool you are using you might need to consider a neoprene wrap or baby wetsuit to keep your baby warm. We sell these items in reception.

  • Don’t get caught out!

Young children who are not toilet trained must wear a double nappy system of a swim nappy underneath a specialised waterproof swim nappy to prevent water contamination. We sell both items in reception if you have not brought your own. You should never bring a child swimming if they have had diarrhoea in the last 48 hours.

  • In at the deep end?

Do not be afraid to go straight in at the deep end! Make sure you get into the water safely, asking for help from the pool staff if you are swimming alone. If you can stand up and be in a comfortable body position in the water, that will help both of you have a better experience! Get on little one’s level – get your shoulders under the water so you can have eye contact with each other. Using fixed swimming aids such as armbands, discs or belts will mean that little one is safe and able to independently explore both shallow and deeper water.

  • Who first?

There is no right or wrong order for who to get dressed first! Do what feels best for you. If you choose to get yourself changed first whilst little one is safely wrapped up in a towel you do not lose any points! Alternatively, wrap yourself up in a towel and get little one dry, warm and dressed and they can be occupied with a snack and/or toy whilst you get changed.

  • Take a dressing gown or poncho towel for your older baby

If you’re taking your young baby swimming, a large towel with a hood to swaddle them in will do fine. But if you’re taking an older baby who will shrug or wriggle a towel off, go for a dressing gown or a poncho towel. You can slip poncho towels over their heads to keep them on. Take the dressing gown or poncho onto poolside. That means you can peel off their top layer as soon as you get out of the water.

  • Try to time it well

It is often easier said than done with young babies, but your experience will likely be more positive if you take your baby swimming when they’re fed, rested and not unwell. They’ll have a better experience of swimming this way and be much more likely to love it.

Suggested packing list for going swimming with your little one:

  • Changing mat
  • 2 towels for little one – one to wrap them up in straight from the water, one to dry them
  • Underwear – if you have arrived in your swimsuit
  • Nappies and wipes
  • Easy to dress clothes for both of you! – For little one, leggings and a top or something with a zip, poppers are sometimes fiddly after swimming!
  • Baby wash and moisturiser – most ranges do a specific after swimming wash
  • Snack and drink for afterwards
  • £1 coin for locker or padlock
  • We have a great new range of baby wraps, happy nappy swimming costumes and warm after swim clothing available at reception! We also have disposable swim nappies available for purchase.
Learn to Swim Wales Waves – 4 -18 Years
Beginners and Improvers 7+Here at WNPS we recognised a long time ago that kids aged 7+, generally, do not want to learn in lessons alongside 4-6 year olds. Just like in school – they want to have fun and learn to swim with kids their own age, at a pace conducive with their intellectual age. Our teachers recognise this too, which is why the lessons are fun and age appropriate whilst still considering possible confidence concerns. Beginners/Improvers 7+ is not part of the existing Learn to Swim Wales Framework, it is however a combination of Waves 1-3.

Children 7+ with no swimming experience should book on to Beginners 7+. Once your child is ready and confident, the instructor will recommend moving onto Improvers 7+.

Please note these classes can be in the 23 split (1.0m depth) or in the Training Pool (1.2m depth). You may want to consider your child’s height when booking as they may not be able to stand. However, we do have adequate flotation aids if your child is out of their depth.
Wave 1 – minimum age 4 yearsAims
1. Develop confidence in the water
2. Be safe while in the water, and when getting in and out of the pool
3. Learn basic floating, sculling and breathing techniques
4. Start to learn front crawl, backstroke and either
breaststroke or butterfly, with aids if needed
Wave 2Aims
1. Be able to jump into the pool
2. Improve sculling, floating and breathing techniques
3. Glide in the streamlined position
4. Swim short distances of front crawl, backstroke and either breaststroke or butterfly, without aids
Wave 3Aims
1. Collect an object from the pool floor
2. Improve sculling and floating
3. Learn how to tread water
4. Learn the Safe Code
5. Swim short distances of all four strokes: front crawl,
backstroke, breaststroke and butterfly, without aids
Wave 4Aims
1. Learn how to do dolphin kicks underwater
2. Learn the HELP position
3. Improve floating and treading water techniques
4. Improve the technique of all four strokes
Wave 5Aims
1. Learn different shaped jumps
2. Learn how to do a forward somersault and a handstand in the water
3. Improve sculling and personal survival techniques
4. Swim longer distances in all four strokes, including a length (25 metres) of your favourite stroke
Wave 6Aims
1. Learn how to warm-up properly for exercise and why
2. Learn how to do a backward somersault, headfirst surface dive and sitting dive
3. Improve personal survival techniques, including swimming with clothes on
4. Swim longer distances in all four strokes, concentrating on technique
Wave 7Aims
1. Learn how to do a plunge dive
2. Improve floating, sculling, treading water and rotation skills
3. Swim longer distances in all four strokes and swim an Individual Medley
4. Swim as part of a team in a relay race times
Wave 8Aims
1. Demonstrate a plunge dive and swim 25 metres of all 4 strokes
2. Swim 50 metres wearing clothing with no goggles
3. Tread water and pass a ball over 2 metres, catching with two hands
4. Use a buoyancy aid to hold the HELP position for 2 minutes

Fun and Skills
Aqua Club – Junior FitnessFor kids who’ve completed the Learn to Swim programme, but want to stay in aquatics and maintain or improve their fitness, this is a great course.

All strokes are covered in this course with a focus on increasing distances and improving stamina while maintaining stroke technique. This is a great start for developing lifelong aquatic fitness!

Currently Wednesdays 19.00-20.00 in the 23m split pool (1.25m deep).
Aqua Club –
Aqua Allsorts
Our youth club in the pool! For kids who’ve been through the learn to swim programme, are bored of lane training but want to stay in aquatics, this is a great course.

Activities throughout the course vary and include lifesaving/water safety tuition, mini water polo, fun race night with a little bit of stroke and technique training thrown in some weeks to keep up skills and stamina already acquired through the main lesson programme.

It’s cool in our pool!

Activities include:
– Fitness 
– Preparation for exercise
– Bodyweight exercises
– Nutrition for exercise performance
– Swimming
– Skills & strokes covered in later Aqua School stages
– Swimming for health and fitness
– Individual/Team racing
– Obstacle course combining skills
– Use of swimming aids (fins etc.). NB Does not currently include snorkelling
– Lifesaving
– HELP & Huddle Positions
– Throwing Rescue
– Reach from Side with Aid Rescue
– Item carry/retrieval, with partner
– Obstacle course combining skills
– Synchro
– Synchronised timing & performance of skills (submerging, floating, push & glides etc.) in small groups
– Water Polo/Basketball
– Skill practice – Throwing, Catching etc. Modified Water Polo/Basketball
Aqua Club – Stroke/TechniqueOur stroke technique class for those beyond Wave 7 is a great chance to develop further quality stroke technique, stamina and fitness. All delivered in a fun & friendly atmosphere, without the challenge of early starts and rigorous training routines.
RLSS Rookies BronzeRookies – lifesaving lessons for kids! Bronze is the entry level to this fantastic lifesaving awards programme for children. Designed for children aged 8 to 12, the awards offer the opportunity to follow a structured RLSS lifesaving skills programme, including Water Safety, Rescue, Self Rescue and Emergency Responses. The aims of Rookies is to:

– Teach Lifesaving Skills
– Increase Swimming Competence
– Develop Survival Skills in Water
– Develop Confidence, Initiative and Judgement
– Develop Teamwork and Leadership
– Hang out, learn skills, make friends, keep fit & healthy for life!
RLSS Rookies SilverMid level RLSS Rookie lifeguard award. Taking basic skills further and challenging participants on both swim ability and lifesaving skills. A great way to hang out, learn, have fun and make friends – all in a healthy and safe environment!
RLSS Rookies Gold The highest level of Rookie Lifesaving. Once this stage is achieved kids are much safer in the water but still have plenty to learn about personal water safety and lifesaving and generally progress onto the RLSS National Lifesaving Academy awards.
RLSS National Lifesaving AcademyOur RLSS awarded National Lifesaving Academy programme is a bigger challenge for those over 12 who have completed Rookies Gold or those over 12 who are interested in getting involved in lifesaving. The courses are a great preparation for a career in lifesaving and children are eligible to become Rookie Lifeguard volunteer helpers. From the age of 16, they can use their skills to undertake lifeguarding or teaching qualifications.
Adult Lessons

We offer a range of swimming lessons for adults of all abilities, to improve their water skills and fitness. It can be very difficult to work out which ability level you fit into, hopefully the guide below will assist you.

Water Confidence

This course aims to take someone through the journey of being uncomfortable with being in the water, through to someone who can confidently float and begin to propel themselves forward, safely and with ease through the water. Then, when eager to learn to swim the strokes, you can move on to our Adult Beginners classes.


The initial emphasis of this level will work on body position in the water and then develop, to build a sound foundation for swimming which will underpin the performance of sound swimming technique. As well as becoming completely “at home” on and under water, the swimmer will be developing control in water breathing and beginning to experiment with the different methods of using the limbs for propulsion.


The focus in this level is building competence in the basic elements of propulsion, using the main swimming strokes with a continuing emphasis on the importance of good streamlining and breathing control. Once an acceptable degree of basic competence is achieved in the fundamental skills, it is time to progress to the development of more efficient swimming. This level also consolidates the wider range of associated aquatic disciplines as well as providing for the development of a greater awareness and expertise in personal water safety and survival swimming.


As well as further developing the main swimming strokes, this category acts as an introduction to the early stages of training in competitive swimming; provides a basis for swimming as a part of a healthy lifestyle; and continues with more advanced activities in the other disciplines. The development of both basic aerobic swimming endurance and swimming speed are integrated within the Programme.

This stage also focuses on the consolidation of effective technique, the racing skills associated with them and a suitable range of drills and practices. The final stages introduce more demanding aspects of training development.

Aqua Fitness Classes

There really is something for everyone in this programme whether you are just starting out on the journey into aquatics or you are serious swimmer training for yourself or competition. We are continually reviewing and developing the sessions we offer to ensure that you can get the best out of your National Pool.

We have many customers returning week after week to benefit from the fantastic tuition and to workout with friends – old & new! If you’re into Triathlon, Fitness Swimming, Aqua Aerobics or any watersport, we’ve got a class that will keep you in tip top condition – great for the body and even greater for the mind.

When you visit us please remember to bring a water bottle for sensible re-hydration and inform the instructor of any changes to your health or new injuries or conditions that may affect your participation or safety.

Sessions must be booked in advance via the SPSP app or booked and paid at reception before the session. Customers not registered will not be admitted.

Swim 4 Tri

Start your triathlon journey today!

Whether you are a beginner looking to try your first triathlon or a regular triathlete then Swim4Tri is for you. Swim4Tri is great for improving your swim fitness and technique ready for that cold dip into the sea and will leave you feeling stronger and more accomplished.

Swim4 Tri Sessions are suitable for all standards of ability whether you are new to triathlon, training towards a specific event or a regular competitor. We will ensure you are training at the right level, through top quality coaching and an emphasis on technique correction, for all aspects of triathlon.

Sessions are bookable in advance via the SBSP app and currently run on Mondays 18.30-20.00, Wednesdays 19.00-20.00 and Thursdays 13.00-14.00.

Adult Fitness Session

This session gives adults/senior swimmers an opportunity to develop their swimming ability for fitness or competition purposes. The sessions focus on the consolidation of effective technique into longer distance stamina work, the racing skills associated with the strokes and a suitable range of drills and practices. The sessions involve more demanding aspects of training development.

In each session, you will receive:

  • An Instructor led session
  • Coaching points on stroke technique & skills
  • A Great workout
  • An alternative to a masters swimming club
  • The opportunity to meet others and identify training partners

Sessions are bookable in advance via the SBSP app and currently run on Tuesdays 12.00-13.00 and Thursdays 14.30-15.30.


Aquacise is a fun, water aerobics class that helps you keep trim without wear and tear on your body. Male or female, our classes suit all ages & abilities. With the help of the instructors, you can make the class as easy or as difficult as you wish.

12.15 – 13.00 Tuesdays and Thursdays

What our customers say about Aquacise…
“A fun way of keeping fit without fear of injury.”
“Great exercising to music with friends.”
“The water is wonderfully supportive.”
“Amazing sense of wellbeing that stays long after a session’s finished.”
“A great workout that you can tailor to your preferred level.”

Free Under 16’s Splash & Play

Free swimming for all U16’s during FREE SPLASH and HOLIDAY SPLASH sessions (must register with us at reception)

Free Splash

Meet the Aqua School Team

Name: Toni-Lee Davies

Job Title: Aqua School Coordinator

Relief Level 2 Swimming Teacher, Rookies & National Lifesaving Academy Instructor

Achievements – BSc Sports and Exercise Science, MSc Sports and Exercise Science.

Since a young age I have been playing hockey up until my last year of my undergraduate degree in Sport and Exercise Science then I changed and took up hockey umpiring more. From which I have been able to umpire across Europe in EHF (EuroHockey Federation) tournaments and in a FIH (International Hockey Federation) Open Series tournament representing Wales and Welsh Hockey Umpires Association. Following these tournaments, I have been able to achieve my FIH umpiring badge being promoted onto the international panel.  

Hobbies – I enjoy keeping fit and swimming and gardening. When I have the day off you would normally see me either at a beach walking (more like chasing) and playing fetch my border collie Luna, surfing, cooking, and spending some quality time with my family and friends.

Name: Alan Owen

Job Title: Relief Rookies & National Lifesaving Academy Instructor

Qualifications: RLSS Instructor/Tutor

Experience: 50 years experience in lifesaving (Including beach lifeguard, lifesaving competitor, Welsh Team Coach, Swansea University Lifesaving Team Coach)

Name: Andrea Whitcombe

Job Title – Level 2 Swimming Teacher, Level 2 Triathlon Coach

Sport has been a passion of mine for over 35 years.  I started out as a keen swimmer and then took up running in my teenage years which lead to me competing as an athlete in the Sydney Olympic Games over 5000m.  I also won a silver medal over this distance in the 1998 Commonwealth Games. 

After athletics I turned to triathlon (swimming, biking and running) and worked hard enough to become a professional triathlete, race all over the World and again travel to an Olympic Games and compete in the Commonwealth Games. 

Since retiring from International competition, I have turned my enthusiasm to teaching and coaching both swimming and triathlon accruing almost 15 years of experience. 

I still enjoy a daily run to stay fit and so I can keep up with my children.  A tough crossword ensures my brain is still challenged and who can beat watching a great DIY home makeover programme?

Whether you want to learn how to swim, fine tune your swim technique or gather some triathlon tips, we have a class suitable for you at WNPS.   I welcome and look forward to seeing people of all abilities come along and join my classes.  

Name: Jasmine Nicholls

Job title – Level 2 Swimming Teacher

Level 1 Swimming Coach

Role – to plan, organise and deliver a variety of swimming lessons to teach people, of all ages and abilities, water confidence and to develop swimming technique and skills. Also, for swimmers to have fun!

Achievements – level 1 & 2 swimming teacher qualification, level 1 swimming coach qualification. 10 years’ experience in competitive swimming. Experienced training camps in Spain and Cyprus. Completed CPD courses for all 4 strokes.

Hobbies – swimming, going to the gym, walks along the beach and retail therapy 😁

Name: Kyle Job

Job Title – Level 2 Swimming Teacher 

Level 2 Swimming Coach


Multiple medals at a national level in swimming including gold and silver medals in Masters British nationals. I am also a Level 2 qualified swimming coach

Hobbies include skating/surfing and swimming 

Name: Gavin Carthew

Job Title

Level 2 Swimming Teacher


NPLQ 2016

Swim England Level 1 Swimming Assistant Teaching 2019

Swim England SEQ Level 2 Teaching Swimming

St Johns IFA (Intermediate First Aider) March 2020

Prince’s Trust Get Into Lifeguarding Programme 2016

Level 2 First Aid At Work 2016

I was amongst one of the first intakes of swimming pupils myself at the WNPS back in 2003 when it first opened. I have since always maintained a close association with the pool and was originally interested in becoming a lifeguard after achieving my NPLQ, but after becoming a volunteer at Swim Wales Events my preferred choice eventually became to focus on the teaching and water confidence aspects of swimming. I really enjoy swimming myself as a hobby and I can be found swimming at the pool 2-3 times a week. Away from the pool I enjoy traveling, socialising, following Formula One and I have keen intertest in Music.

Name: Liz Bronkhorst

Job Title – Level 2 Swimming Teacher

South African Swimming Teachers Qualification

South African Level 1 Coach

As a kid I swam for both my Primary and High Schools in Inter-School Galas.

But at the same time I was also a Highland Dancer which took of loads of time practising. My parents are Scots and were Chief and Lady President of the Federation of Caledonian Societies in South Africa and Zimbabwe for many years.

After school I joined a Leisure club and continued swimming for a few years before taking up road running which then became my preferred sport.

Unfortunately I had my back broken in a car crash in 1998, but gladly returned to swimming after a series of 11 operations to fuse my spine (neck and lower back) with amazing results.

I have been involved in the sport since then, as a competitor in various open water events from 800m to 5km and as a member and secretary of a Masters Swimming Club during which time I did my swimming and coaching qualifications in South Africa. These included the Swim England Level 1 and 2 Teaching Qualification through an English coach who owns a swimming school in England and is a qualified instructor for Swim England.

The most memorable events I have participated in were the Comrades Marathon Run 4 times (This is an ultra marathon of about 90km) and 15 Midmar Mile open water swims (known as the largest open water event in the world).

I have been teaching and coaching altogether for about 11 years and with much success.

I thoroughly enjoy teaching adults and children and coaching adults for open water swimming.

I’m a committed swimming teacher who revels in the joy of seeing a non-swimmer become a competent safe swimmer.

Name: Mollie Pritchard

Job Title: Level 2 Swimming Teacher

I got into swimming from a young age until I was 16 and decided to start the process of becoming a level 2 teacher. 

At the same time I was completing my royal academy of dance ballet certificates from pre-primary to grade 8 I did this until I came to university where I’m studying criminology and psychology I decided to join the dance society to continue my live for dance. I have also completed 2 half marathons and have signed up for a third in October 2023.

Name: Morgan Greenway

Job Title: Level 2 Swimming Teacher

I’m currently studying computer science at Swansea University and have been a competitive swimmer since 2013, recently becoming a Welsh national medalist in 2023. I’m also fluent in English and Welsh.


Level 1 & 2 swimming teacher qualification, 10+ years competitive swimming, Welsh National medalist, Experienced Training Camp in Cyprus.


I enjoy swimming, athletics and chess.

Name: Jamie Scutt

Job title – Level 2 Swimming Teacher, Rookies and National Lifesaving Academy Instructor

Aquatic Achievements – I have competed in the British Swimming Championships and have achieved 2 British records in Lifesaving Championships 

Experience – I have been teaching swimming for 5 years and have previously volunteered to teach swimming in Fiji. 

About me – I am studying a Master’s degree in Osteopathy at Swansea Uni. Alongside this I enjoy swimming, cycling and going to the gym. I am passionate about teaching swimming in a fun and enjoyable way and want to help everyone learn this life skill. 

Name: Jennifer Green

Why did you choose swim teaching as a job?

I’ve always had a passion and love for swimming. When I decided to take a step back from competitive swimming, it felt like the right choice to move into a job that would allow me to pass on my passion and love for the sport. I think swimming is so important, from lessons through to competition, and I wanted to be a part of that journey. 

When did you become a swimming teacher?

I have only recently become a swimming teacher, qualifying last year. I have experience in swimming coaching, especially in younger age groups, including those just out of lessons. I was a swimmer myself for 12 years, competing at a range of meets, including Olympic trials, which was amazing!! 

What has been your journey for swim teaching?

Even though my journey has just begun, I have really thrown myself into the process completing courses on teaching splash and bubbles, and helping other teachers across all the waves. 

What is your biggest achievement around swim teaching?

My biggest achievement is always seeing swimmers achieve something they didn’t think was possible. A child I helped coach at my club at home went on to make Summer Nationals which was really special. Seeing the children have fun in the water and make progress is always the best.

What do you enjoy the most about swim teaching?

Seeing the kids improve!! And also the people I work with. Everyone on the teaching team is truly an asset to the pool.

Name: Aimee Stokes

Job title: Level 2 Swimming Teacher

Experience: I have been teaching since 2022 and have experience coaching younger swimmers at club entry level.

Aquatic Achievements: I’ve been swimming with Swansea since 2009, and swimming at a national level for 10+ years.  I have medaled at Welsh Nationals and qualified for British Nationals in both the pool and open water.  In 2022, I raced in the Swansea 3km Swim and won, and was allowed to race the full Ironman swim in the Long Course Weekend Swim in Tenby a year out of age, and came 2nd.  In the past I have been selected for Welsh Squads and was selected to represent West Wales in the Intercounties Championships in Sheffield.

Name: Nadya Sterling 

Qualifications: Level 1&2 Swim Teacher 

I have been assisting and teaching swimming to customers of all ages since 2019. I first began volunteering with an old coach of mine at his swim school to gain some experience and found it really enjoyable. From this, I completed my Level 1 assisting qualification and spent a couple of years utilising this by assisting in lessons with young children all the way through to adult beginners.  

The next step from this was to gain my Level 2 teaching qualification so that I could be in charge of my own lessons. Since then, I have loved engaging in the swimming development of learners right from their very first ever lessons through to later stages/waves as it is great to see their water confidence and competence flourish.  

Achievements & Hobbies: 11 years of competitive swimming experience (Including Swim England Summer & Winter Meets); I also enjoy the gym, being outdoors and cooking. 

I am also currently studying for a BSc in Psychology at Swansea Uni.  

Name: George White

Job Title: Level 2 Swimming Teacher 


  • Swim teaching since 2018
  • Recently qualified bubbles and splash course qualification 
  • 10+ years of competitive swimming

About me: I am currently studying Biomedical science at Swansea university and have been a competitive swimmer since 2014. I enjoy going to the gym as well as playing football and basketball. I have a passion for swim teaching and aim to make all my lessons fun, engaging and progressive for all my swimmers. 

Name – Connor Smart

Job title – Level 2 Swim Teacher & Level 2 Swim Coach 

Achievements – Welsh and British national medallist / teacher and coach qualified

Hobbies – Swimming & Rugby

About me – Currently in my third year of studying a Law degree at Swansea University. Been a swimmer throughout my childhood and youth life and loved to race and train. I have been swim teaching now for 3 months and have grown a passion for teaching swimming and enjoy every lesson as much as the children sometimes and I am looking forward to seeing where swim teaching takes me. 

Name – Louis Johnson

Job Title – Level 2 Swimming Teacher

I’m Passionate about water safety and fostering a love for swimming, I became a swim teacher to empower individuals with essential life skills. With a dedication to instilling confidence and promoting a healthy lifestyle, I guide my students through the transformative journey of becoming proficient swimmers, ensuring they not only master the strokes but also develop a lifelong appreciation for aquatic activities.


Qualifying for national meets

Having 2 years of teaching experience

Name: Stuart Osborne

Job Title: Level 2 Swimming Teacher

As a level two swim teacher I see my role as one where I plan, organise and deliver to young learners a variety of swimming lessons where the emphasis is upon fun while also developing water confidence, skills and techniques.

I am a retired comprehensive school teacher and head of subject with 35 years experience. I then turned an interest into paid employment! Seriously, I’ve always enjoyed swimming for my own health, fitness and wellbeing, I use the WNPS pool two to three times a week, have been a member since it opened in 2003 and the university pool prior to that.

I’ve always had a great passion for teaching. I enjoy interacting with learners, especially young people, and seeing them have fun and gain confidence while achieving positive outcomes gives me a great deal of satisfaction whether in a classroom or the pool. I hope my enthusiasm on the poolside motivates and encourages learners of whatever age I may be teaching, to achieve their potential.

Name: Eve Watson 

Job Title: Level 2 Swimming Teacher

Qualifications: Level 1&2 Swimming Teacher, NPLQ Lifeguarding  

I have been assisting/ teaching and lifeguarding for 5 years in my hometown, and I now teach swimming whilst at university. My favourite thing about teaching is watching the progression of the skills and competency of the swimmers, and following on from this, it is nice to see them form a positive attitude towards being in water and exercising in general.  

Achievements & Hobbies: 10+ years of competitive swimming experience. I also enjoy the gym, socialising with family and friends and travelling. 

I am also studying for a BSc in Sports and Exercise Science at Swansea Uni. 

Name: Tom Beamer

Job Title: Level 2 Swimming Teacher

I am a 4th year Law student at Swansea University. I have been a swimmer all my life and have represented Swansea University in Swimming at the British University Championships.

Whilst I was in secondary school, I volunteered at my local swimming club by assisting the coaches with their training sessions.

During the Summers of 2019-2021, I was a swimming teacher at BEST Centre Sports in Colonia Sant Jordi, Mallorca. I delivered swimming lessons to English-speaking swimmers on holiday and to Spanish-speaking members of the local community.

Name: Rachel Davies

Job Title: Level 2 Swimming Teacher

I’m currently studying Sport and Exercise Science at Swansea University.

Aquatic Achievements: I love swimming, I have done it competitively since 2016. Through doing this I have been able to compete at National level competitions both individually and with a relay team, being a finalist at the ESSA national finals multiple times! I continue to train and compete with the  Swansea University team, I aim to share my love of the sport with others. In 2024, I medalled in multiple events at the British Universities Lifesaving Clubs’ Association Championships. And was on the South East development squad in 2022.

Experience: I have been swim teaching since 2021 and have also done some volunteer coaching at my home swimming club in 2023. I’ve been the 2024/2025 training officer for the Swansea University Lifesaving team.

As well as swimming, I also row with the university team and enjoy  balancing two sports competitively (as well as my academics!).

Name: Afrooz Ahovan

Job title: Level 2 Swimming Teacher

Experience: swimming teacher city and county of Tehran since 2011


SEQ level 2 teaching swimming 

Level 2 Physical Education Organization of IR

Level 3 swimming coach IR Swimming Federation 2013

Coaching activity diploma IR swimming federation

Level 3 aqua therapy Federation of squid diving 

Lifesaving and diving IR Federation

Education: Master’s degree in physical activity University of Tehran

With over a decade of experience in swimming instruction, coaching and aquatic therapy, I am passionate about helping individuals develop their confidence and skills in the water. My expertise spans from teaching beginners to coaching advanced swimmers, ensuring water safety and providing specialized aquatic therapy. Throughout my career, I have worked with a diverse range of swimmers from children and adults learning to swim for the first time to competitive athletes refining their techniques. I take pride in creating a supportive, engaging, and structured learning environment where swimmers can thrive.

Name: Aimée Masurier

Job Title: Relief Level 2 Swimming Teacher

Achievements: Level 1 Swimming & Level 2 Swimming teacher, qualified school-teacher assistant, University Early Childhood Education student.

Hobbies: Competitive Swimming, Surfing, Hiking, Cycling, Outdoor Activities.

Name – Andy Scutt

Job Title – Relief Level 2 Swimming Teacher.

Achievements – level 2 swimming teacher, level 3 swimming coach, qualifications in adult & child swimming and disabilities swimming.

Hobbies – swimming, cycling running. Learning Swedish.