Swansea Bay Sports Park recognizes the importance of exercise on health and well-being and is pleased to be able to offer membership options for all juniors 14 years and above.
If you are between the ages of 14-15 you can attend Swansea Bay Sports Park gyms and classes for £2.50, but you would need to register as a Pay As You Go member first. In order to access our facilities, you must be accompanied by a parent/guardian and have completed a consent form here.
Your parent/guardian would also have to register as a Pay As You Go member (prices start at £3.90) or take out one of our competitive memberships.
Please note that 16-17 year olds need to purchase a Concession membership and also provide the completed parental consent form provided here, before attending the gym, but can visit the gym alone.
Don’t forget, if you are a parent or guardian, you can join SBSP as a Pay As You Go member for £3.90 (student) or £5.70 (public). For more information on our memberships, including Pay As You Go, please click here.
We strongly recommend that anyone new to the gym undertakes a full induction before using the equipment. To book a full induction please email gym.spsb@swansea.ac.uk or call the team on 01792 513554.