- Clean equipment after use with the cleaning materials provided.
- Wash or sanitise your hands regularly.
- Sweat towels are for personal use only, for cleaning the equipment – please use the spray and blue roll provided.
- Food should NOT be consumed on the gym floor and drinks should be in appropriate bottles, no open top containers. Please clean up all accidental spillages immediately.
- Be mindful of other members – At busy times, please limit the time spent on a single piece of equipment. Working with another member between sets can be a useful way of cutting down machine waiting times at busy periods.
- Appropriate gym attire only – Jeans, flip-flops/sandals and work boots are not appropriate gym attire. You will be asked to leave the gym if you are not wearing suitable clothing. If you remove footwear when performing an exercise, please replace them immediately after completing the lift.
- Do not bring bags onto the gym floor – We have two types of lockers available for use. Small lockers, which require a one-pound coin that is refundable when the locker key is returned. As well as, medium and large lockers which require a personal padlock. Padlocks can be purchased from the SBSP reception for £5. Lockers will be emptied every night. If necessary, padlocks will be removed and the contents moved to our lost property storage. If you require removal, or we require removal of the padlock, we do not accept liability for replacing the padlock.
- Any filming for technique purposes should be of the participant only – If you are likely to get other members or a member of staff in the frame, please ask permission.
- Please put your weights back after you have finished – remove all plates from bars and machines once you have finished using them and replace them.
- Clear up any excess chalk.
- Use equipment in a safe manner – If you are unsure on how to use a piece of equipment, please speak with a member of staff.
- An induction is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED – We offer a fast track or full induction for all new members, this can be booked via gym.sbsp@swansea.ac.uk.
- Personal training is NOT permitted – unfortunately, we do not offer this service. However, if you would like a personal program a member of the team can assist you with this.
- Aggressive, intimidating, antisocial and threatening behaviour will NOT be tolerated and you will be asked to leave the facilities.
- Report any damaged equipment or facility maintenance – we check the equipment and facilities regularly but if you come across any damages or issues, please report this to a member of staff. If a member of staff is not available, please call 07596 888878 for Singleton and 07596 888894 for Bay.